Dr. Chambliss is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist practicing in Danville, California. She provides individual psychotherapy, couples counseling, and family therapy.
Dr. Chambliss can help you:
Become empowered to take charge of your life
Build stronger relationships with others
Help you overcome addictive behaviors
Build self esteem and rise above depression
Conquer eating and body image issues
Heal emotional wounds from past experiences and relationships
Create a healthier and happier family
This website provides useful information and will help you decide if you would like to make an appointment with Dr. Chambliss.
If you would like to contact Dr. Chambliss, please call or e-mail her. She looks forward to hearing from you.
Amy E. Chambliss, Psy.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
CA License # PSY 18614
Send mail to webmaster@dramychambliss.com with questions or comments about this web site.
New Horizon Recovery is one of the top Encinitas rehab for drug and alcohol treatment. It is a peaceful sanctuary for healing in the Southern California beach town of Encinitas.