We stock all profiles in paint grade solid poplar.
Poplar is a readily available fast growing species that provides superior milled finish of all interior painted moldings.
Our moldings are inventoried in random lengths 8'-16'
Standard profiles can always be Run to order in a variety of species or lengths for your project
How Moldings are Manufactured - Custom Molding - Molding History ^ top ^
Ornamental Plaster Castings
Go to: Catalog of Stock Castings
Learn About: The Casting Process
Architectural castings have been used for centuries in traditional architecture as an efficient and effictive way to enhance both interior and exterior surfaces of buildings. This unique selection is hand cast in our San Francisco studio by skilled artisans using traditional techniques to ensure the finest detail common to the medium. Cast shells with fiber reinforcement, our castings provide strength and minimal weight for ease of shipping and installation.
All castings shown in the catalog can be used for interior or exterior applications. For interior use, castings will be supplied in cast gypsum plaster.
Installation of architectural castings is basic and simple. Pre drill, install with screws and construction adhesive. Exterior castings should be sealed on all sides with a water sealer prior to installation. Once installed, caulk, prime and paint like regular wood trim.
Castings which are properly installed and maintained will last for the life of the building. Complete installation and finishing instructions are supplied with your order.
Custom Casting Service: SFV also provides custom duplication services when matching your original casting is required and the design is not found in our standard selection. Please inquire with our sales staff for a quote on your specifications.
Catalog of Stock Castings - Casting Process
Victorian Design Details:
Antique Wallpaper Borders- Corner/Head Blocks - Wood Brackets - Stair and Baluster - Ceiling Cornice - Embossed Wall Coverings - Period Interior - Period Exterior
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