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A R C Y Investigations Inc
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A. R. C. Y. Investigations, Inc our "Association of Retired Cops for You" Based in California, networked across the United States.
AddressPO Box 2226 Paradise, CA 95967-2226
Phone(530) 876-1490
Missing persons: Finding a missing person can be
extremely difficult at times, especially if the missing
person does not wish to be found. We have the
investigators and resources to locate almost anyone
anywhere in a very short period of time. We service
all 50 states and you will love our low prices. We
have located several fugitives for law enforcement.
DUI : Driving Under the Influence civil and criminal.
DUI cases are second nature to us as we have
arrested hundreds of intoxicated drivers in our law
enforcement careers. Use that experience for your
case. Give us a toll free call for a free consultation
over the telephone.
Auto and Commercial accidents: These are
specialized areas that we have both experience and
official government training in investigating. (Haz.

Video Security Cameras: Security cameras installed
with the most reliable, most flexible, comprehensive
systems for controlling and monitoring access to
your secure premises. (25 years experience)
Process serving: We offer fair rates + superior
service. The absolute best in the west ; we will never
give up on service of process. At ARCY we are
"police trained professionals working for you."®

Stacie Crain, Co Director of ARCY Investigations is an RN, BSN /Cal Northern School of Law
Graduate Class Valedictorian; passing the CA STATE BAR exam on her first attempt.

If it is investigative help that you need, you have certainly come to the right California
private investigation service site. As police trained California Private Investigators, the
majority of our cases deal with pre- employment screening, the latest 2010 covert
surveillance and counter-surveillance equipment for home or office , missing persons, car
wrecks, difficult process service, computer forensics ( Peterson murder trial ) GPS
tracking, insurance fraud, stun guns & pepper spray sales-
Plus, we specialize in vehicular traffic accident investigations and reconstruction.
Why are ARCY prices so low? The "Association of Retired Cops for You"® consists of
primarily retired law enforcement officers having the time, energy and resources to
keep costs below the private investigator industry standard. Be assured of the highest
ethical and moral operating procedures. We investigate your case thoroughly and to
the best of our abilities, and will remain in contact with you regarding our findings. A
complete detailed report will be provided to you at our absolute lowest price. We very
much want to be your Northern California private investigation service.
Background or Pre-employment Investigation can include, current address information from
all three consumer reporting agencies, historical address information, date of birth,
information related to social security numbers, driver licenses, phone numbers, aliases,
names of an individual's relatives, other people who have used the individual's address(es),
neighbors with listed phone numbers, national and state databases for a summary of
assets, driver licenses, professional licenses, real properties, vehicles, corporation
records, UCC filings, corporate affiliations, bankruptcies, tax liens, civil judgments and
more. All case managers require peace officer experience

Interviewing Techniques Extensive Training regarding interviewing fulfills a mutual
exchange of information. Our main objective is to gather information about facts clearly and
accurately while remaining objective and above all else, confidential.
We transcribe this information filling the requirements of our clients, per their exact

Call UsA Toll Free 1.877.474.2729Fax UsA Toll Free

the Nature of our work and job description :
Private detectives and investigators assist individuals, businesses, and attorneys by finding and analyzing information. They
connect small clues to solve mysteries or to uncover facts about legal, financial, or personal matters. Private detectives and
investigators offer many services, including executive, corporate, and celebrity protection; pre-employment verification; and
individual background profiles. Some investigate computer crimes, such as identity theft, harassing e-mails, and illegal

fraud, child custody and protection cases, missing persons cases, and premarital screening. They are sometimes hired to
investigate individuals to prove or disprove infidelity.

Private detectives and investigators have many methods to choose from when determining the facts in a case. Much of their
work is done using a computer, recovering deleted e-mails and documents, for example. They may also perform computer
database searches or work with someone who does. Computers allow investigators to quickly obtain huge amounts of
information such as a subject’s prior arrests, convictions, and civil legal judgments; telephone numbers; motor vehicle
registrations; association and club memberships; and even photographs.

Detectives and investigators also perform various other types of surveillance or searches. To verify facts, such as an individual’
s income or place of employment, they may make phone calls or visit a subject’s workplace. In other cases, especially those
involving missing persons and background checks, investigators interview people to gather as much information as possible
about an individual. Sometimes investigators go undercover, pretending to be someone else to get information or to observe a

Most detectives and investigators are trained to perform physical surveillance, which may be high-tech or low-tech. They may
observe a site, such as the home of a subject, from an inconspicuous location or a vehicle. Using photographic and video
cameras, binoculars, and cell phones, detectives often use surveillance to gather information on an individual; this can be quite

The duties of private detectives and investigators depend on the needs of their clients. In cases that involve fraudulent workers’
compensation claims, for example, investigators may carry out long-term covert observation of a person suspected of fraud. If
an investigator observes him or her performing an activity that contradicts injuries stated in a worker’s compensation claim, the
investigator would take video or still photographs to document the activity and report it to the client.

Detectives and investigators must be mindful of the law when conducting investigations. They keep up with Federal, State, and
local legislation, such as privacy laws and other legal issues affecting their work. The legality of certain methods may be
unclear, and investigators and detectives must make judgment calls when deciding how to pursue a case. They must also know
how to collect evidence properly so that they do not compromise its admissibility in court.

Private detectives and investigators often specialize. Those who focus on intellectual property theft, for example, investigate and
document acts of piracy, help clients stop illegal activity, and provide intelligence for prosecution and civil action. Other
investigators specialize in developing financial profiles and asset searches. Their reports reflect information gathered through
interviews, investigation and surveillance, and research, including review of public documents.

Computer forensic investigators specialize in recovering, analyzing, and presenting data from computers for use in
investigations or as evidence. They determine the details of intrusions into computer systems, recover data from encrypted or
erased files, and recover e-mails and deleted passwords.

Legal investigators assist in preparing criminal defenses, locating witnesses, serving legal documents, interviewing police and
prospective witnesses, and gathering and reviewing evidence. Legal investigators also may collect information on the parties to
the litigation, take photographs, testify in court, and assemble evidence and reports for trials. They often work for law firms or

Corporate investigators conduct internal and external investigations for corporations. In internal investigations, they may
investigate drug use in the workplace, ensure that expense accounts are not abused, or determine whether employees are
stealing merchandise or information. External investigations attempt to thwart criminal schemes from outside the corporation,
such as fraudulent billing by a supplier.

Financial investigators may be hired to develop confidential financial profiles of individuals or companies that are prospective
parties to large financial transactions. These investigators often are certified public accountants (CPAs) who work closely with
investment bankers and other accountants. They might also search for assets in order to recover damages awarded by a court
in fraud or theft cases.

Detectives who work for retail stores or hotels are (not required to be licensed) responsible for controlling losses and protecting
assets. Store detectives, also known as loss prevention agents, safeguard the assets of retail stores by apprehending anyone
attempting to steal merchandise or destroy store property. They prevent theft by shoplifters, vendor representatives, delivery
personnel and even store employees. Store detectives also conduct periodic inspections of stock areas, dressing rooms, and
rest rooms , and sometimes assist in opening and closing the store. They may prepare loss prevention and security reports for
management and testify in court against people they apprehend. Hotel detectives protect guests of the establishment from theft
of their belongings and preserve order in hotel restaurants and bars. They also may keep undesirable individuals, such as
known thieves, off the premises.

Work environment. Many detectives and investigators spend time away from their offices conducting interviews or doing
surveillance, but some work in their office most of the day conducting computer searches and making phone calls. When the
investigator is working on a case, the environment might range from plush board rooms to "not so nice" bars. Store and hotel
detectives work in the businesses that they protect.

Investigators generally work alone, but they sometimes work with others during surveillance or when following a subject in
order to avoid detection by the subject. Some of the work involves confrontation, so the job can be stressful and dangerous.
Some situations call for the investigator to be armed, such as certain bodyguard assignments for corporate or celebrity clients.
In most cases, however, a weapon is not necessary because the purpose of the work is gathering information and not law
enforcement or criminal apprehension. Owners of investigative agencies have the added stress of having to deal with
demanding and sometimes distraught clients.

Private detectives and investigators often work irregular hours because of the need to conduct surveillance and contact people
who are not available during normal working hours. Early morning, evening, weekend, and holiday work is common.


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