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Cleveland & Metz Law Offices
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attorney lawyer Workers Compensation Comp Work Injury auto accident personal injury Ontario Pomona Rancho Cucamonga Fontana Rialto Colton San
Address9330 Baseline RD Ste 100 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701-5827
Phone(909) 980-9703

Welcome To The Law Offices of Cleveland & Metz Official Website


Workers Compensation Lawyer Attorney Work Injury Personal Injury Rancho Cucamonga Ontario Fontana Accident Rialto Alta Loma Criminal Yahoo Google San Bernardino Permanent Disability

We Will Come to You - Millions of Dollars Recovered for Injured Workers

Welcome To The Law Offices of Cleveland & Metz Official Website

All Work, Automobile & Construction Injuries

All Work Related Injuries, Diseases, Disabilities and Impairments
1 - 800 - MI HERIDA

WE WILL CONTINUE to serve the needs of California working people and their families.
Charles R. Cleveland, Jr.

Trabajadores Lastmados Tienen Derechos
Especialidad en Heridas y Lastimaduras de Cuello, Espalda, Cabeza,
Hombros, Brazos, Manos, Caderas, Rodillias, Tabillos...


Where is the evidence that insurers costs have increased?Posted on 16 August 2010
By Adam Dombchik
California Applicants' Attorneys AssociationThe California Applicants' Attorneys Association (CAAA) opposes the insurance industrys plan to increase workers compensation premiums by 30%.
We agree with the governor that a 30% increase appears unjustified. As the governor pointed out, there simply is no evidence that insurers' costs have increased.

Governor Opposes AB 933, Panders To Insurance Companies And Carpetbagging Doctors16 August 2010
By Robert Weinmann, MD
In 2008, Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 2969 (Lieber) which would have required doctors who do Utilization Review (UR) for injured workers in California to be licensed to practice medicine in California. UR is the technique insurance companies use to authorize or disallow diagnostic testing and treatment to injured workers even if the diagnostic testing and treatment has already been prescribed by a doctor licensed to practice medicine in California. Got that?
A Deal is Never a Deal With Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger !!!!
Watch these videos!

Voters Injured At Work To Launch Empower Yourself Campaign:
YouTube Channel Video to feature Dolores Huerta, a nonprofit California group fighting for medical care and disability compensation for those injured on the job, has announced that it will launch an Empower Yourself campaign for injured workers on Wednesday, July 22, with a new video to educate injured workers narrated by United Farmworkers of American co-founder Dolores Huerta. The advocates have called a news conference to unveil the new campaign, video, and YouTube channel.

The Florida system is remarkably similar to California as they got hammered with a similar "reform.".

If you have a work injury, report it or have your attorney report it immediately and properly to your employer. If you do not report your injury before termination or layoff your claim may be barred and you will receive no benefits. If you still believe that the insurance company will take care of you when you are hurt, think again.

If you have a work related injury you must report it before you are terminated or laid off or you may lose your rights. Your employer will likely assert that your claim is post-termination and try to bar your benefits. If you have an injury of a specific nature or an injury that occurred over time (like your knees or back or wrists giving out) CALL NOW to preserve your rights.
The Workers Compensation Reform Act (Senate Bill 899)passed by the Governor and his supporters from the insurance lobby is an attack on your rights! If you draw a paycheck or if you own a business with employees, sooner or later these changes are going to affect you or someone you care about. These changes have done the following:

Abolished Vocational Rehabilitation Job Training

Cut Permanent Disability Awards by an average of 76%

Effectively taken away your right to choose your own Doctor

You must chose a doctor from a list of insurance selected doctors, yes many of these lists are loaded with the same insurance defense doctors who have routinely denied you care and benefits.

Assuming you find a doctor to treat you, his treatment recommendations are subject to "Utilization Review", this essentially means that an out of state doctor paid by the insurance company who will never see you will deny your care.

Adopted "Apportionment", a fault concept that further cuts benefits and discriminates against older workers, pregnant women, women who have borne children, and handicapped persons.

Temporary disability has been shortened from 5 years to 2 years. Bedridden? Waiting for surgery? Paralyzed? Too bad, Temporary Disability benefits will stop in 2 years.

Employers are still paying outrageous premiums while insurance companies post huge profits.

The California Medical Association survey says that 63% of doctors are no longer going to treat work injuries due to routine denials of care and impossible billing procedures.

Your level of pain may no longer be used determine your disability.

These changes are retroactive to all open cases.

CALL NOW and talk to the Experts at Cleveland & Metz to preserve your rights and benefits! We can help you!
If you unhappy with how the Workers Compensation Reform affects you, a family member or a friend...
Please make efforts by e-mailing, writing or calling State Legislators to oppose these changes to your benefits immediately.

Contact information for legislators can be found at:
Turn off the TV, Turn off the IPOD, get off the couch and GET INVOLVED

Call us now! We can help you get through the maze of the Workers Compensation system. Remember, the Insurance Companies have lawyers representing them, so should you!

Making a false or fraudulent workers' compensation claim is a felony subject up to 5 years in prison or a fine of up to $5,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater or by both imprisonment and fine.


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