Welcome to our office!
Our office is dedicated to your entire family's dental care. We will do everything possible to make your visits comfortable, and we will complete your treatments efficiently and as quickly as possible.
Our office is a modern facility with the most technologically advanced techniques and equipment available. Yet the treatment we provide is warm and personal.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our office online. Its purpose is to introduce you to our office, explain our specialty to you, and tell you a bit about our practice philosophy. We hope our Web site will help you to feel more comfortable about coming to see us for your prosthodontic treatment.
What is a Prosthodontist?
If you believe your smile is not all it could be, you may want to consult with a Prosthodontist. Prosthodontists are dental specialists with advanced training in the restoration and replacement of missing, broken, discolored, or misshapen teeth. After completing dental school, Prosthodontists receive three additional years of specialized training in tooth restoration and preservation, creation of tooth replacements, and the dynamics of a smile. They function as the architects of your dental treatment plan, working closely with your general dentist, and, if necessary, other specialists. Together, this team will create for you a personalized treatment plan that will help you achieve optimum dental health and gain the smile you've always wanted.
Prosthodontists have extensive laboratory skills as well as broad knowledge of the options available in materials for tooth restoration. Because of our rigorous training and experience, we believe we are the experts in state-of-the-art techniques and procedures necessary to create for you a beautiful, natural-looking smile.
Cosmetic Dentist Richard Kiholm, DDS, Placerville CA, practices a full scope of general and cosmetic dentistry with expertise ranging from porcelain veneers to dental implants, crowns and bridges.