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Vehicle Information
Year Make Model VIN # License # State Color Key Code Monthly Payments Are Due Date Deliquent Since Balance Owing
We agree to indemnify and save you harmless from and against any and all losses, damages, claims and actions, resulting from or arising out of your efforts to handle our assignment to you except such as may be due to the negligence or unauthorized acts of your company. We agree to pay any and all charges that you may incur including all attorney fees and court costs in attempts to repossess the following vehicle.
Key Personnel Protection Certification Affiliation
Services Service Area
Our staff consists of highly trained professionals who are dedicated to delivering timely, accurate and satisfying results to all of our customers.
Your Professional Recovery Solution, When Recovery Time Matters
Integrity, Honesty & Safety
Contract Services is dedicated to being the most efficient and the most "results oriented" organization in the repossession industry. Our integrity, honesty and safety are important bywords in our organization. These characteristics are instilled in all of our employees so that we can deliver timely, accurate and satisfying results to all of our customers.
Through our highly trained, licensed and legally competent employees, we will meet and exceed your expectations and achieve our own to "be the best"!
We're proud to be members in good standing with the following organizations:
818carcash. com is a car buying service in Los Angeles that gets you top dollar for you car from our network of car buyers that pay cash for cars. Sell your car Los Angeles and get the most cash now!
Auto Quest Dismantling is a Salvage Yard in Los Angeles, California. We are auto dismantling, auto wrecking also known as junkyard, we sell used auto parts, recycled auto parts.
42234 4th Street East Lancaster, California, 93535