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Online business solution for AIM Members

Search Engine Optimization, cat pictures, and your MyAIMStore website

What does Search Engine Optimization (SEO) have to do with cat pictures? Nothing really. I just didn’t think you would read a post titled “Search Engine Optimization” unless I embellished the content a little. And yes, there will be cat pictures. I am a man of my word.
But first, let me explain the basic concept of SEO. You have a website. You want people to find your website. SEO makes your website findable, readable, enjoyable, and – if you’re into that sort of thing – profitable. It’s as simple as that, but actually quite a bit more complicated the more you find out. I’ll keep things appreciably breezy in my explanations in this article.
OK, now the cat pictures. And then more SEO!

If you’re anything like me, you love talking about you. And who can blame you? You’re fascinating!
MyAIMStore websitesrecognizeyour attractiveness, which is why we encourage you to add your personal testimony to your site. If you have a great story to share about how the AIM products have shaped your life or how the business opportunity has improved your lifestyle, you should share it. What greater tool can there be for drumming up business for your AIM biz? That was a trick question. There are no greater tools!
Here are the step-by-step instructions on putting biographic pen to electronic paper.

Page templates are your new best friends. It’s true. I read about it on their Facebook.
Page templates are the easiest way to add cool content to your MyAIMStore website. You don’t have to write anything. AIM writes it for you. Where was this feature in honors English, am I right?
Instructions for Busy People
Here is a quick-and-dirty explanation of how Page Templates work and how they can work on your site.

Did you know that the MyAIMStore websites come in 22 different color schemes? Of course you did. I told you that a couple weeks ago, and you have a mind like a steel trap.
Well, I have tried and tested all 22 of them, and I took pictures along the way. Here is an amalgam of every different color scheme you can have on your MyAIMStore website.
(Click to enlarge.)

Did you hear the news? MyAIMStore has heard your feedback (it is such a good listener) and has implemented changes to make your life easier. A brand, spanking new look, a simpler streamlined Customize section, and support videos galore! Thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming.
Of course, you’re probably here for that New Look information. And I can’t blame you. I would want to have this new MyAIMStore design on my site, too. In fact, I think I’ll follow along to learn how.
To Switch Or Not To Switch
That is the question, although it’s not really a question for a lot of you. Those using Theme One for their MyAIMStore website need do nothing in order to reap the goodness of the new look. Since Theme One was the default theme of MyAIMStore, it is simply being replaced. No extra work necessary.
For those operating with Theme Two or Theme Three, you can make the change whenever you are ready (or we can help, just e-mail us). The plan is to slowly phase out Themes Two and Three, but no hurry. I like to let the idea of change settle in before I do anything, too.
How To Switch

Alliteration aside, getting your MyAIMStore website set-up the way you want it is easier than you might think. Unless you think it will take two minutes, in which case you are mistaken.
To prep yourself for the Super Simple Six-Minute Set-Up (SSSS for short), all you need is a clear head, a quiet mind, and six minutes of time. Oh, and a computer.
Gentlemen and ladies, start your stopwatches!

Site looking a bit sterile? A personal photo may be just the flair you need.
The Quick Way
Adding a photo is one of the built-in features of the MyAIMStore websites. We want to make it as easy as possible on you. Follow these three steps to get your photo up and active:

Scroll down to the Featured Image section, and click Upload.
Find your photo on your computer, select it, and click Open.

The MyAIMStore Dashboard is your friend. And he has connections.

The Menu (1). Though not as exciting as a Cheesecake Factory menu but a whole lot more exciting than an HMO pricing menu, the Dashboard’s Menu is your one-stop shop for navigating through your MyAIMStore options. The menu will always be on the left side of the page from now to forever, so you always have a means of getting around.Also of note, the Customize link lives here. This link is where you edit your site’s look and feel. You will get to know it dearly.
MyAIMStore Blog Tips (2). Hey, that link goes to this site! Semi-regularly I post tips and hints and how tos on getting the most from your MyAIMStore site. You can keep abreast of all that simply by checking this part of your Dashboard page.

Visit Site (4). This link takes you to your website’s homepage.
Right Now section (5). For bloggers only, you can see a snapshot of the activity on your posts and pages.
QuickPress (6). Again for bloggers only (man, those guys are needy), QuickPress is a quick-and-dirty means of posting blog entries to your site.

If you have only read one thing I wrote this entire post, I hope it was this: The Customize link is in your Dashboard’s left-side Menu.

Congratulations, MyAIMStore Member! You have a website, and it is awesome. But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself by visiting your site and having a look around.
Getting There From The Internet
Grab Your Site’s Address
First things first, you are going to need to have your site’s web address handy. This is the address that begins with and ends with your storename. For instance, mine is Yours is probably something easier to remember.

MyAIMStore websites could have all the customization in the world and it wouldn’t matter one bit if you could never get into your website to do anything about it. Logging in is an inalienable right of MyAIMStore ownership. Follow these instructions to ex- ex- exercise that right.

Got a great story to share but don’t know to share it? Get the help you need with this post on posting testimonies.

Set up your site in six minutes? Splendid! Get step-by-step instructions on going from basic website to beautiful storefront.

Wishing your MyAIMStore site was more photogenic? Well, adding a photo is easier than ever. Follow along with a detailed guide on all things uploading.

Have you logged in to your site and instantly been overwhelmed? Too much info and not enough explanation? Read this post for a primer on Dashboard culture.

Kevan Lee on How to: Use a Page Template
southwesternontariocolonics on How to: Use a Page Template


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