Dr. Tejindar Sandhu specializes in treatment of adults of all ages.
He has been recognized as a prominent psychiatric physician for decades in San Francisco and its Peninsula.
While the medical specialty of psychiatry utilizes research in the field of neuroscience, psychology, medicine, biology, biochemistry, and pharmacology, it is best seen as an endeavor to understand the synthesis of mind, body and soul in the context of one's unique psychosocial milieu.
Unlike other physicians and neurologists, psychiatrists specialize in the doctor-patient relationship and are trained in varying styles in the use of psychotherapy and other therepautic communication techniques.
Recent advances in psychopharmacology have made it possible to more effectively address the problems of the human condition and when combined with appropriate psychotherapeutic intervention enhace the quality of life of all individuals, whether they are suffering from major psychiatric problems or those unfortunate coincidences that are inherent in the day to day demands and traumas of modern life.
A place for art, a place for thought...
Some thoughts on the relationship between art and well-being.
For the previous articles on the mega health environment and on site visits, please contact Dr. Sandhu directly for a copy.
Noteworthy (from Clinical Psychiatry):Did you know that a history of depression may increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease by more than 80%?
Official site of the leading medical facility providing urgent medical care in Bay Area with services that include diagnosing and treating urgent, acute illnesses, and minor procedures such as sutures