Murrieta Transmission is owned by Harry Smith with over 45 years of experience.
You get what you pay for, no salesman, no bull, no movie actors. The quality of our professional mechanics have earned us AAA approval.
The owner works here!!!
- Rebuilt Automatic Transmission
- Manual Transmission Service
We always suggest getting a second opinion!!!
For technical comments please email webmaster. For any other questions, please email us at:Murrieta Transmission.
Quotes can be obtained by calling us at: (951) 696-7733
Branches and additional offices:
(951) 696-773326500 Jefferson Av Ste C Murrieta, CA 92562
AAMCO Transmissions and Total Car Care of San Jose is continuing its 50 years old legacy of providing the best transmission repair service along with other auto repair solution.
Welcome! Our family is celebrating our 50th year in the transmission business. We can be reached toll-free at (888) 324-1617 for questions or to place an order by phone.