What might an intuitive perspective tell you about your business or your work?
Insight Intuitive Consulting supports successful businesses and professionals by helping each client make better decisions, have a clear vision, stay focused, align their work with what they value and understand influencing factors.
With over 30 years experience using an intuitive perspective, I consult with clients providing an intuitive perspective (assessment) of their business, marketing, teamwork, strategic planning as well as other areas of concern.
Through consultation my clients begin to develop and use intuition providing them with a tool to support long-term success. Having a clear vision is an important component.
Intuition is the ability to see and to know, beyond reason and logic, the truth in any instance.
An Intuitive Consultation offers clarity when you
Have a difficult decision to make
Are making a change & want to be sure
Want your plans to achieve your goals
Kays work is unique and exceptional. Her knowledge, skill, professionalism, and presentation are light years ahead of similar practitioners. Her advice has transformed me at rocket speed toward my goals.
Dawn Lipori, Golf Fitness School, Body4Golf
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Intuitive Tip of the Week
A one-minute or so video each week. This week the theme is Intuition in Business: Setting Energy and is part of the Intuition in Business series.