Your share accounts are Federally Insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of the U.S. Government.
Qualifying accounts get an additional $250,000 of savings insurance through ASI.
Privacy choices for members
Checks you deposit with Tucoemas are now considered "local checks" if they are payable through a financial institution located in the United States. Therefore, your deposit to a checking account may have faster availability of funds. Pick up a new "Funds Availability Policy Disclosure" explaining the changes from the Membership Department at your nearest branch.
Accounts Federally Insured
to at least $250,000 by NCUA, an agency
of the U.S. Government.
For the best experience on our web site, we highly recommend the use of MSIE or Netscape. When clicking on any link to an external site, you will be leaving the credit union's web site. TUCOEMAS Federal Credit Union does not provide, and is not responsible for , the product, service, or overall website content available at third-party sites, nor do TUCOEMAS' privacy policies apply to linked websites. Please refer to the privacy disclosures provided on the individual linked sites for further information.
Branches and additional offices:
(559) 784-88921389 W Henderson Ave Porterville, CA 93257-1456