Welcome to Data Disposal, Inc. ~ a family owned business that has been serving Southern California since 1984. We pride ourselves in providing impeccable customer service, competitive pricing, and an unparalleled commitment to the sensitivity of the material placed in our charge.
Whether your material is destroyed at your location or transported to our site in Spring Valley for destruction, you can be assured your files are safeguarded and the information protected. Records are reduced to an unrecoverable residue and all material is recycled.
Our services are available for as low as $35.00, with secure collection containers for your office provided free of charge. Large volume discounts are available and there are no added fees for one-time customers.
Call, visit our facility, or ask for Data Disposal to visit your location for a free quote. We are confident you will find us to be courteous, responsive, and dedicated. Discover for yourself why hundreds have found comfort and satisfaction in allowing Data Disposal an opportunity to be of service.