We are a small, family-owned bamboo farm with over 300 species of bamboo plants for sale. In addition to plants, we sell bamboo furniture and fencing, garden accessories, bamboo poles, root barrier, and books. These can be mail ordered on our website or purchased by appointment at our nursery in Sebastopol, California. Please use the links on the bar at the top of this page to see our plants, products, and information on cultivation and care.
This website is designed to enable people to educate themselves about bamboo and make their own selections as much as possible. Because we have limited staff resources, please utilize the many useful features of our website as extensively as possible to identify plants that will serve your needs:
Our Information Supplement provides information on cultivation & care, clumpers, runners & containment, regional recommendations, descriptions of many bamboos with color photos, and much more. The 35-page Information Supplement is also available in black & white hard copy (no photos) from this website or by phone.
Our Bamboo Price List provides current availability information for 200 of our species in 1 and 5 gal sizes, with prices, cold hardiness, sun/shade needs, ultimate maximum sizes, and color photos for the underlined species. Plants are also available in larger sizes - 15 gal, 25 gal, etc - please call or email our office for availability and pricing.
Our Search function gives you a list of plants that satisfy the specific criteria you set.
Plants may be mail ordered in 1 gal and 5 gal sizes directly from the Bamboo Price List on this website. To place an item in your "shopping cart," simply click on its price. To view your cart contents and read more details about the shipping schedule and options, click "View Cart" in the menu above. Your order is not placed and your credit card is not charged until you click "Submit Order" after entering your credit card number on the "Secure Page."
We ship once a week on Mondays. Books are sent by U.S. Priority Mail. Other non-plant items are sent by UPS Ground. Our shipping prices for plants are below:
The best way to experience Bamboo Sourcery and purchase bamboo is to visit our gardens, and everyone is welcome! We sell bamboos in all sizes, up to 35' tall! To help all of our customers choose bamboo species that are best suited to their needs, we schedule on-site appointments with our Nursery Manager on Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays within the hours of 9:00-12:00 and 2:00-3:00, and Saturdays within the hours of 9:00-12:00 and 2:00-5:00. Please phone our office to schedule a time or change a time. For non-plant items specific appointments are not necessary - but please do call ahead, 9:00 to 5:00 any day except Sun, so we can be sure someone will be available to assist you. We also recommend reading and using the many resources on our website in preparation for your visit. Driving directions
For more information about our nursery and staff, please go to "About Us."