Break unwanted habits - smoking, nail biting, trichtillomania (hair pulling), procrastination.
Increasehealth and well being - be comfortablewith medical and dental procedures, relieve TMJ, manage pain, use guided imagery and visualization toheal and achieve optimal health.prepare for surgery and childbirth, relieve tension headaches and migraines, lower your blood pressure, relieve IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and fibromyalgiasymptoms, soothe chemotherapy side effects, sleep soundly, acheive your ideal weight.
Improve performance - in business, school or sports like golf.
Enhance self confidence -gain motivation and self esteem.
Release fears andphobias - flying, needles, public speaking, conquer recurring nightmares.
Find emotional balance -deal with grief, relationship issues, releasetraumatic events.
Find - lost items.
Explore your spirit - find your life path, explore past lives, expand your intuition.
Improve - concentration, memory and test taking.
Learn - self hypnosis, energy balancing techniques and EFT. Toolsforyour whole life.
Life coach - services provide you the support you need to succeed.
Become Certified - earn your hypnosis certification with our IACT hypnotherapy training or attend an EFT workshop.
Youcan transformyour life using the latest breakthroughs in traditional hypnotherapy and the exciting new field of energy psychology to become the person you wish to be. What can you imagine?
Advanced Hypnotherapy (858) 270-5756