NCIs and AHIs Mission Statement:
To provide vocational opportunities for individuals with special needs that respect personal choice and diversity and that reflect individualized goals that support enhanced independence, personal responsibility and self-esteem.
NCI Affiliates Inc. and Achievement House Inc. are 501 (c) 3 California non-profit corporations that serve the vocational and community living needs of persons with developmental disabilities in San Luis Obispo and northern Santa Barbara counties. NCI and AHI provide an array of vocational services and programs to assist individuals in developing appropriate workplace skills and behaviors so as to enhance individual productivity, independence and community integration. Its philosophy is that in order to be an effective program, it must work in partnership with the individual and his/her support network. NCI and AHI have effectively demonstrated that individuals with even the most severe limitations can be gainfully employed and become contributing members of their respective communities if appropriate supports are developed and maintained.
Branches and additional offices:
(805) 772-6744730 Morro Bay Blvd Morro Bay, CA 93442-1918
(805) 543-93833003 Cuesta College Dr San Luis Obispo, CA 93405-7889
(805) 772-67441610 Main St Morro Bay, CA 93442-1835