Welcome to Dr. Hernandez's office where the Art of Dentistry takes place
We are a dental practice in San Diego devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile using conservative, state-of-the-art procedures that will result in beautiful, long lasting smiles!
Emergencies Welcome Anytime!
When you visit our San Diego office, your smile is our top priority. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, gentle care that you deserve.
Dr. Hernandez specializes in cosmetic dentistry such as porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns and tooth whitening.
Part of our commitment to serving our patients in San Diego includes providing information that helps them to make more informed decisions about their oral health and cosmetic dentistry needs. This website is a resource we hope youll find both useful and interesting.
Contact Us Today!
Please browse through our website and be sure to give us a call if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment at our dental office in San Diego.
Emergencies seen promptly! For emergencies only call Dr. Hernandez directly at (619) 992-7425
2008 Dr. Ricardo Hernandez Web Design RRhaeStudios.com
Cosmetic Dentist Richard Kiholm, DDS, Placerville CA, practices a full scope of general and cosmetic dentistry with expertise ranging from porcelain veneers to dental implants, crowns and bridges.