Thank you for visiting our web site! We have a unique dental office designed and built JUST FOR KIDS!! When visiting our office, the design is only the beginning of your child's enjoyable dental experience. We know children may feel uneasy about a dental visit, so we take extra time to explain each procedure and to calm any fears.
We truly enjoy working with children! The happiest moments we share are seeing our young patient's smile, hearing them laugh, or receiving their hugs.
Our entire staff operates as a team and we are very proud of everyone's special training and skills in dealing with children. Above all, we practice the finest up-to-date dental care under the most sterile conditions, because that's what you expect as patients. We look forward to your child's first dental visit!
Chao Wen Wang, D.D.S., M.S. ~ Rolf Spamer, D.D.S., M.S.D.,
Pediatric Dentists serving children of all ages in Dublin, San Ramon, Hayward and Pleasanton, CA