For over 30 years we've offered the most educationaland the most entertainingtraffic school programs in California. Our hilarious instructors keep you captivated with jokes, a colorful visual presentation from our patented Flipcharts, games, and videos. And there's no need to worry, because you're guaranteed to pass. We even throw in two FREE COMEDY CLUB PASSES.
Saturdays / Sundays / Weekdays / Evenings
250 cities throughout California (DMV Licensed)
8 hour, 12 hour, and 16 hour courses available.
(Note: 8 hours is the course you would take to remove your first ticket in 18 months. 12 and 16 hours are the second or subsequent tickets within 18 months. Please get judge permission for 12 and 16 hours).
California online Traffic School for traffic tickets, Traffic school course for ticket dismissal & – DMV/State & DMV-Licence court approved course in CA.
Driving school Ventura, driving schools Santa Paula, Ojai Driving School, Driving School in Fillmore, Teen Driving School Ventura, Driving School Ojai, Driving School Santa Paula