We welcome you to the dental office of Dr. David taft. Our goals are to provide the current and best care to all of our patients as well as create a joyous atmosphere. We tend to be humorous and talkative because we are interested in YOU and your overall health and success in life. Our areas of expertise lie in cosmetic dentistry, implants, porcelain crowns and veneers, oral surgery, root canals, andwe accept dental emergencies. Our latest addition for the comfort and health of our patients is the introduction of digital xrays. This low exposure, highly graphic technology is the latest in dental disease detection and provides an excellent teaching instrument for the sophisticated patient.
Dr. Taft is known for his outgoing friendly style that keeps faithful patients and we encourage referrals of friends and family. Our modern office has granite counters with hardwood floors and is on the 3rd floor of the famous Parkside Medical Towers in the heart of Santa Monica.
Cosmetic Dentist Richard Kiholm, DDS, Placerville CA, practices a full scope of general and cosmetic dentistry with expertise ranging from porcelain veneers to dental implants, crowns and bridges.