Project Sentinel is a non-profit agency providing services to help people resolve housing problems. The agency assists home seekers as well as housing providers through counseling, complaint investigation, mediation, conciliation and education. The services are funded by cities and counties in the greater Bay Area and Central Valley. All services are free and confidential.
In Celebration of Fair Housing Month, Project Sentinel will host an annual fair housing symposium. The symposium provides an opportunity to learn about housing related topics with other attendees including residents, housing providers, housing support agencies along with city, state and federal municipalities. The sympsium will be held in April 2011. For more information, please check our website periodically for updates.
Project Sentinel investigates allegations of housing discrimination based on a person's race, religion, familial status, marital status, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, source of income and some arbitrary physical characteristics.
Tenant and Landlord Counseling
Project Sentinel counsels tenants and landlords on their rights and responsibilities under state and local laws regulating the rental relationship.
Project Sentinel is HUD certified to provide counseling services to home buyers and homeowners seeking to find or maintain suitable housing.
Project Sentinel provides mediation services to tenants, landlords, neighbors and consumers who are involved in disputes and who wish to avoid alternatives such as litigation.