Desta Digestive Disease Medical Center Letter to the Patient
Welcome toourpractice. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized care that you deserve, whichincludes the highest standard of medical carecovering a full range of gastrointestinal and liver disease problems.
Asphysicians,we have spent many years dedicated to gastroenterology (study of the digestive system)and hepatology(study of the liver).We continue to keep abreast of new techniques, therapies and ideas to insure thatour patientsreceive the best care available.
As your Gastroenterologist,our concernsare not limited to yourdigestive sytemand liver health.A comprehensive examination can reveal valuable information concerning your overall health. We will inquire about your general well being, medical and family histories and medications.
Part of our commitment to serving our patients involves providing information that helps them to make more informed decisions about their health needs.
This website has been prepared to educate and informour patients and their families about our gastroenterology practice. A practice that will meet yourdigestive systemand liver care needs and specifically your needs for further evaluation of your condition.
Branches and additional offices:
(619) 266-3332292 Euclid Ave Ste 115 San Diego, CA 92114-3629