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BuyersWorking With Me WillGet 1/2 Of MY COMMISSION as theirRebate When Purchasing Real Estate in Southern California.
1. Buyer(s) must be pre-approved for their loan, or in the process of getting pre-approved for a loan to make their purchase in Southern California.
2. Willing and ableto purchase a minimum property price of $150,000.Real Estate Buyer(s) must be ready to submit an offer and start the purchase process of a **property that is actively listedfor sale on a Multiple Listing Service with a minimum 2% commission offered from the seller's listing agent to the cooperatingagent representing the Buyer(s).
3. Able and willing to sign an Exclusive Buyer/Broker Agreement witha full-time, experienced licensedreal estate agent whoareparticipants inmy SoCal Closing Costs Rebate Program.
* SeeRebate Programfor potentialRebate Amounts ** Manufactured Homes or Real Estate offered for sale on leased land cannot apply. Real Estate must be fee simple to qualify for this rebate program.
You could get thousandsofDollars back afterclose of escrow; orcredited
towards your closing costs.InspectionRebateAfter close of escrow,get up toa$500 Rebate for your Property Physical Inspection fee.
My Mission is toassistbuyers in purchasing real estate.MyBelief toWork Hard For Buyers,NOTSellersor their Listing Agents.My Job to guide and protect buyers
every step of the way.MyGoal is to find the right property, negotiate the best terms with the least amount of hassle to complete the transaction and close escrow.
Sue Cobb (310) 809-3659 surespec@sbcglobal.net
Mattucci Real Estate, Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90275All information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed,
buyer should veriify all informationto buyer's satisfaction.
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