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Therapeutic Pathways The Kendall Centers
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Autism Spectrum Disorder, applied behavior analysis, autism treatment Therapeutic Pathways The Kendall Centers
Address7801 Laguna Blvd #100 Elk Grove, CA 95758
Phone+1 (916) 683-1109
Working hours8-5 M-F

Science does not yet have all the answers about the causes & treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder but it has helped identify proven treatments. The field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has identified a number of specific treatment techniques that consistently show positive results. We have had great success in helping children and adolescents achieve independent functioning by following and building on this approach.
We know that a somewhat accelerated rate of treatment intensity is needed because we’re trying to help individuals with developmental delays learn at a faster-than- normal rate. That’s really the only way for them to catch up to their typically developing peers. In terms of measurements, it means we’d like to see individuals with delays achieve more than one month’s growth for every month spent in treatment.


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