There are many things you should expect from a locksmith company like Fullerton CA Locksmith. These are what make the company to stand out when found. You cannot avoid needing locksmith services at one time or the other and for one reason or the other. It is to your advantage that you know what to expect ahead of time. It is to your advantage to have some inkling of the experience you will have with a locksmith. Here are 2 features to serve as a guide to you. A competent locksmith company should get to the job done as agreed upon, should carry out their business with a courteous and fully professional demeanor. In addition to this, a competent locksmith company should possess all of the suitable tools available, and should take special care in ensuring that they do not cause any damage to your personal belongings like getting your door scratched etc. The company should also have a working knowledge of the latest trends, equipment’s and gadgets which modern locksmiths use to efficiently discharge their duties.