Power tools in your mouth might be scary. Some people may be scared of dentists because of some traumatic experience with water being splashed at high velocity across teeth enamel.
Have you ever heard a horror story about a root canal gone wrong? Root canal treatments were perhaps one of the scariest procedures in dentistry, but today that reputation is completely unjustified.
Dental implants are teeth replacement devices that are highly realistic. Many patients choose them because they resemble regular teeth more than dentures and other replacement methods do.
Cosmetic dentistry is more than mere aesthetics. There are legitimate health reasons to visit a cosmetic dentist. Often the line between “restorative” and “cosmetic” gets a little blurry.
Dr. Zareh Kouyoumdjian, DDS is one of the knowledgeable cosmetic dentist at Studio City Dental Center, providing his patients the best possible treatments for any of the teeth problems.