No cardboard waste, no cardboard taste, use a reusable pizza box
Congratulations! StoneHearth Pizza of Cambridge
Recipient of the Boston Responsible Packaging Awards October 14, 2010 for their innovative and environmentally responsible reusable pizza
box at the Natural Products Expo East!
They have been selling our Hybrid Pizza box since August, cool-huh!
Welcome toour site oftruelyenvironmental friendly "green" reusable pizza boxes.
TheHybrid Pizza Box,HPB, isused for take-out or delivery of pizza by customers.
Not only reduce your carbon footprint-but get a better quality pizza?
YES - A reusable box can eliminate over 125 pounds of one-time use cardboard over its life and 100% recyclable at "end-of-life".
Ourline of multi-use boxesare allmade in the U.S.A.
The Hybrid Pizza Box has similiar heat retentionqualitiesto atraditionalcardboard boxwithout the disposal hassle. 3sizes:10-12", 14-16"and 16-18"all $12.95each
Partner with your favorite pizzeria for acceptance and use of -reusable pizza boxes, askyour pizzeria about reuse savings, make it a community effort, get involved! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Find PizzaRestaurants that accept reusable pizza boxes,
pizzaboxesfor the transportation of their pizza product.
Check out our newvideo1 demonstrates how easy it isto use at a pizza restaurant, video2talks about its acceptability by consumers,video3talks about usage and features andvideo4 is just for fun - ajello pizza using aHybrid Pizza Box for the mold! Have you used your pizza box differently at a restaurant or in some fun multi-use way and like to share it?: Please submityour videoto
- - - do the jello - - -