Oceanworks is Berkeley's preeminent independent Toyota and Honda repair facility, solar-powered since 1997 and green since 1954. We do everything from simple oil changes to engine rebuilds. Our sister facility Oceanworks II, right next door, handles other makes.
Living LightlyYou live lightly. Your hybrid vehicle is clean and efficient. You support carpooling and do it whenever you can. You go to Tibet to expand your horizons. In crossing the ocean, the plane you're on emits some greenhouse gases. How much? For each passenger, more carbon dioxide than a car does in 15,000 miles of driving. A person driving across the country in a Hummer spews less CO2 into the air than someone who takes public transit to the airport and flies there. (Addendum January 2006: See, for example, the first answer to this question about the relative fuel efficiency of cars and planes.)
Bicycles at Oceanworks!
We started into the bike business becuase of my interest in owning a folding bike as part of my portfolio. This led me to be the first representative of the Xootr Swift line on the west coast in 2006. We next added Bike Friday (exclusively their folding Tikit), and the Batavus Dutch, Redline and La Pierre bikes... and we're working on a shuttle service using our new trike.
For better performance we DO NOT recommend using Internet Explorer, rather download and install one of these browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Safari. Thank You!
Make your smog check and auto repair easy, call us, All Smogs! We have over 30 years of experience serving the Tri-Valley and East Bay. We are car repair experts. Plus we are active in the community.
Super Automotive is dedicated to providing quality auto repair, great service and honesty. Every vehichle goes through our "super inspection" to insure proper maintenence and upkeep. We work on all ma