San Jose Drunk Driving Defense Attorneys
At the Law Office of Michael L. Davidson in San Mateo, we aggressively defend people accused of driving under the influence (DUI) in the San Francisco Bay Area. We seek to keep our clients out of jail, protect their right to drive, and help them avoid other damaging consequences.
In addition to extensive our DUI practice, we also provide general criminal defense representation to both adults and juveniles. If you have been charged with drunk driving or any other crime, contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.
Experienced in All Areas of DUI and Criminal Defense
Our firm has maintained a successful DUI and criminal defense practice for more than three decades. Over that time, we have helped thousands of clients beat their charges through powerful advocacy inside and outside the courtroom. Our services include the following:
DUI defense: Our San Mateo DUI attorneys are intimately familiar with California drunk driving law and experienced at standing up for our clients' rights at trial. We will identify and pursue all possible opportunities to fight your charges and reduce your penalties.
Things to know about California DUI: Our firm is dedicated to providing clients and prospective clients who have been charged with drunk driving with the information they need to make informed decisions about their DUI defense options.
Other areas of criminal defense: In addition to DUI, our attorneys have extensive experience defending clients against all types of misdemeanor and felony criminal charges, including drug offenses, sex crimes, domestic violence and juvenile crimes.
When you hire our firm, you will have not just an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side, but also a team of experts working on your case. We consult accident reconstructionists, toxicologists and other specialists to help us prepare the strongest defense possible.
Call 866-719-9678 or 650-288-0483 to Schedule a Free Consultation
Our aggressive team approach and skilled handling of DUI and criminal defense cases have led to an outstanding success record. To schedule a free initial consultation with a dedicated attorney, call us at 866-719-9678 or 650-288-0483 or e-mail our office.
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