Not all insurance companies are the same. Any insurance company can take your payment month after month, but will they be there when you really need them? With most, you are put into a department of account representatives who don't even know you personally but at John Alsop Insurance Agency, you are known by name. You have a dedicated, licensed insurance agent assigned to you and a highly skilled and specially trained support staff ready to assist you.
Not all policy coverage is the same. Most insurance companies or brokers write a minimum amount of insurance to offer you a lower price, but are you really protected? At John Alsop Insurance Agency, we take a common sense approach and write your policy based on your immediate needs for protection. But we don't stop there. As your picture changes, we review and make changes we can to keep you protected. There are absolutely no broker's fees. Insurance brokers may charge as much as $500.00 just to process your application, then they may even charge additional fees to make changes to your policy. At John Alsop Insurance Agency, we don't ever charge you for customer service. Your down payment goes right to your premium. Ask us how you can save up to 37% on all of your Insurance.
Our Insurance Products In California
We serve the insurance needs of thousands of individuals, families and businesses. Not only do most of our clients renew their policies, but they also refer their friends to us. You can visit us here 24 hours a day and seven days a week, or call our office during business hours. You'll be very pleased that you did.
We fulfill your life insurance, auto insurance, car insurance and home insurance needs in Orange County, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Diego & all of California.
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