Serving buyers & sellers of cemetery property throughout the Bay Area
Specializing in Skylawn Memorial Park in San Mateo
Save 50% to 80% off today's high cemetery prices
Cemetery property in the San Francisco Bay area now averages $4,000 each, not including burial costs. Prices have increased 3500% in certain gardens since 1967. Plots that once sold for $200 are now selling for more than $6,000.
Cemetery Property Resales helps families save thousands off today's high cemetery prices. The average saving is $2,000 per property.
Cemetery Property Resales is a licensed and bonded cemetery brokerage specializing in resales of cemetery property throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. We represent sellers of privately owned cemetery property. Most sellers purchased many years ago and have now moved out of the area, divorced, or changed their minds about their need for arrangements. Whatever the reason, their scenic lawn plots, mausoleum crypts or cremation niches are for sale.
Choose from hundreds of discounted properties.
Call for our most current list.
650-372-0795 or toll free 1-800-934-8334
Since 1996 Cemetery Property Resales has saved Bay Area families over $9,000,000 in cemetery costs. Interested sellers contact us to add your property to our list.
Why Today? -Benefits of Before-Need Ownership Decisions:
Protect your loved ones, rather than burden them with this obligation.
Husband and wife can decide together, rather than alone or with a stranger.
Selection is greater today and will be more limited tomorrow.
Save money and inflation, doubling every 7 years, by buying today. Prices increase due to demand and inflation.
Decide rationally, weighing choices, rather than forced into emotional decision.
It is better to own a cemetery plan and not need it than to need one and not have it.
You are solving a problem today which will not go away. Final arrangements?
Your wife may not favor expenditure now, but your widow would.
Before you are ready to decide, someone else may be forced to decide for you.
Why expect someone else to do for you that which you refuse to do for yourself!
Family cemetery property adds value to your estate. Preserves family unity.
Ownership is forever. It is tax free and can never be assessed or attached.
Life insurance provides protection only until next premium is paid.
If it is difficult to discuss now, it will be more difficult at time of bereavement.
The worst time to decide or buy is at the time of need.
Peace of mind and dignity, knowing your "house is in order".
A widow cannot use a lot or crypt her husband intended to buy
We never know when we will need it. Age and health is no guarantee of long life.
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