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Studio International Inc
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Wigs, human hair and synthetic, hair extensions, human hair wigs, hair salon, san francisco, hair pieces by Studio Hair Design, Studio Hair &
Address2850 22nd St San Francisco, CA 94110-3468
Phone(415) 641-9447
Welcome To "Studio International Online" San Francisco
Salon Specializing In Custom Solutions For Hair Loss In Women, Men & Children

Natural Line Wigs, Hair Prostheses, Intra-Weave Systems, Extensions & Custom Solutions For Those Experiencing Hair Loss

To speak to one of our stylists or to set up an appointment, please call 415-641-9447 Tues - Sat 10 AM-5PM.

San Francisco Salon Specializing In All Types Of Hair Loss In Women, Men & Children
Natural Line Wigs, Hair Prostheses, Intra-Weave Systems, Hair Augmentation & Custom Solutions For Those Experiencing Hair Loss
Description of Services:

*Offers largest selection of hair prostheses, Natural Line Synthetic Wigs, Studio Human Hair Wigs, hats, turbans, head wraps and accessories in the Bay Area.

"Studio Hair Savings Card "
For a limited time purchase any one of our Studio Hair Wigs or Hair Prostheses at the salon price and save 40% off any additional pieces that you order at the same time.
Present this "Studio Hair Savings Card" at the time of your appointment..

"Studio Hair Wigs" Simply The Finest in Human Hair & Synthetic Wigs!

Hair Color (Includes shampoo, conditioner & blow dry) - from $65
Deep Conditioning - 30 Minute Treatment & Blow Dry - from $65

Wig & Hair System Services (Please note that we only service our own systems)
System Cutting - from $75

Hair Loss? We Can Help.
Have you begun to lose your hair due to chemotherapy treatments or simply experiencing hair loss and are uncomfortable going into your regular salon to have it cut? We offer this cutting service in a very private environment. Just call us and set up an appointment.

Styling Fine Hair
The key to a great hair style for fine hair is a good cut with the right length
and proper styling aids that promote volume, shine and movement.
Fine, straight hair will show scissor marks, so look for a good stylist with talent in
precision cutting. Explore hair styles with heavier layers and short, heavy bangs, they work well on straight, fine hair and give the overall illusion of thicker hair.

Wigs * Hair Pieces* Prosthetic Hair Systems*The Intra-Weave Hair System

What to do about it
Losing your hair can be unpleasant and difficult to cope with. Your best counsel on how to deal with these side effects which are causing your hair loss is your medical health team..
It may also be difficult to cope with your personal reaction to hair loss. After all, youve lived with your hair for a long time. It is a part of your personality and who you are. Now, your hair loss will be a visible sign that something is happening.
How do you explain it? Is it necessary to explain it at all? And how will you react to the change in your self -image with hair loss?
Dealing with these questions is a challenge to most people. Its a challenge you can now face, and face confidently. For one thing, you know in advance that the hair loss is likely to happen. And you know why. You wont have to explain your hair loss when you plan in advance to do something about it.
Take care of this as soon as possible, before the hair loss occurs. Finding a hair prostheses or wig now will allow you to adjust to it on your own terms, not when you do not have the choice. It will make the transition easier.

Hair Loss due to Chemotherapy
Hair loss (alopecia) is a common side effect of chemotherapy, but not all drugs cause hair loss. Your doctor can tell you if hair loss might occur with the drug or drugs you are taking. When hair loss does occur, the hair may become thinner or fall out entirely. Hair loss can occur on all parts of the body, including the head, face, arms and legs, underarms, and pubic area. The hair usually grows back after the treatments are over. Some people even start to get their hair back while they are still having treatments. Sometimes, hair may grow back a different color or texture.
Hair loss does not always happen right away. It may begin several weeks after the first treatment or after a few treatments. Many people say their head becomes sensitive before losing hair. Hair may fall out gradually or in clumps. Any hair that is still growing may become dull and dry.
How can I care for my scalp and hair during chemotherapy?

Have your hair cut short. A shorter style will make your hair look thicker and fuller. It also will make hair loss easier to manage if it occurs.

Use a sun screen, sun block, hat, or scarf to protect your scalp from the sun if you lose hair on your head.

Some people who lose all or most of their hair choose to wear turbans, scarves, caps, wigs, or hair pieces. Others leave their head uncovered. Still others switch back and forth, depending on whether they are in public or at home with friends and family members. There are no "right" or "wrong" choices; do whatever feels comfortable for you.
If you choose to cover your head:

Get your hair prostheses or wig before you lose a lot of hair. That way, you can match your current hair style and color. You will want to buy your hair prostheses or wig at a licensed specialty salon just for cancer patients such as If you are unable or do not have a licensed salon that specializes in this, you also can buy a hair prostheses or wig through a licensed on-line salon such such as or by phone.

(Please note: Items in our Studio Hair On-line salon are available on-line only, not in our San Francisco salon) Our San Francisco salon carries our Studio Hair Prosthetic Line of wigs, hair systems, & custom made systems.

Take your wig to your hairdresser or the shop where it was purchased for styling and cutting to frame your face. Human hair needs to be cut but synthetic hair should not. Synthetic hair can be fine tuned in areas such as the fringe or bangs using texturizing sheers. Cutting synthetic hair will give it a choppy look. With synthetic hair you are simply picking out the haircut.

Some health insurance policies cover the cost of a hair prostheses or wig when needed because of cancer treatments. It is also a tax-deductible expense. Be sure to check your policy and ask your doctor for a "prescription."

Losing hair from your head, face, or body can be hard to accept. Feeling angry or depressed is common and perfectly all right. At the same time, keep in mind that it is a temporary side effect. Talking about your feelings can help. If possible, share your thoughts with someone who has had a similar experience.
It is always suggested that you work with a licensed Salon &stylist for best results.

What is Alopecia Areata?
Alopecia areata (al-oh-PEE-shah air-ee-AH-tah) is a highly unpredictable, autoimmune skin disease resulting in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. This common but very challenging and capricious disease affects approximately 1.7 percent of the population overall, including more than 4.7 million people in the United States alone. Due to the fact that much of the public is still not familiar with alopecia areata, the disease can have a profound impact on one's life and functional status, both at work and at school.
In alopecia areata, the affected hair follicles are mistakenly attacked by a person's own immune system (white blood cells), resulting in the arrest of the hair growth stage. Alopecia areata usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp and can progress to total scalp hair loss (alopecia totalis) or complete body hair loss (alopecia universalis).
Alopecia areata occurs in males and females of all ages and races; however, onset most often begins in childhood and can be psychologically devastating. Although not life-threatening, alopecia areata is most certainly life-altering, and its sudden onset, recurrent episodes, and unpredictable course have a profound psychological impact on the lives of those disrupted by this disease.
Synonyms of Alopecia Areata

What is Trichotillomania?
It is officially classified as an impulse control disorder, along the lines of pyromania, kleptomania, and pathologic gambling.
What are the Symptoms of Trichotillomania?

Recurrent pulling out of ones hair resulting in noticeable hair loss.
An increasing sense of tension immediately before pulling out the hair or when resisting the behavior.
Pleasure, gratification, or relief when pulling out the hair.
The disturbance is not accounted for by another mental disorder and is not due to a general medical condition (i.e., dermatological condition).
The disturbance causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

People often start compulsive hair-pulling around the ages of 12-13; although it is not uncommon for it to start at a much younger or older age. Frequently, a stressful event can be associated with the onset, such as: change of schools, abuse, family conflict, or the death of a parent. The symptoms also may be triggered by pubertal hormonal changes.
Does Trichotillomania Lead To Other Problems?

During adolescence, which is an especially crucial time for developing self-esteem, body image, comfort with sexuality, and relationships with peers of both sexes, teens may endure ridicule from family, friends, or classmates, in addition to feeling shame over their inability to control the habit. Therefore, even a small bald patch can cause devastating problems with development that can last life-long. Although many people with trichotillomania get married and carry on with their lives in a normal fashion; there are those who have avoided intimate relationships for fear of having their shameful secret exposed.
What Is the Cause?

There is no certain cause of trichotillomania, but the current way of looking at trichotillomania is as a medical illness. One theory on a biological level is that there is some disruption in the system involving one of the chemical messengers between the nerve cells in parts of the brain. There may be also a combination of factors such as a genetic predisposition and an aggravating stress or circumstance; as with many other illnesses. Further, trichotillomania could be a symptom caused by different factors in different individuals just as a cough can be produced by a multitude of different medical problems. Finding the cause (s) will take more research.
What Is The Relation To Other Illnesses?

For many people with trichotillomania, there are symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) such as compulsive counting, checking, or washing as well. There are so many similarities between hair pulling and other compulsive symptoms that some consider it a subtype or variant of OCD. This idea is supported by the tendency for the two problems to run in the same families and the fact that OCD medications can be helpful in treating trichotillomania.
Depression also frequently occurs in individuals with this illness. There may be a direct neuro-biochemical relationship and/or be secondary to the chronic demoralization and low self esteem hair-pulling can bring.
Other associated behaviors may include nail biting, thumb sucking, head banging, or compulsive scratching. Frequently, hair pullers also find they compulsively pick at their skin, which may also cause physical and emotional scarring.
What Treatments Are Available?

The two methods of treatment that have been scientifically researched and found to be effective are behavioral therapy and medications.

In behavioral therapy, people learn a structured method of keeping track of the symptoms and associated behaviors, increasing awareness of pulling, substituting incompatible behaviors and several other techniques aimed at reversing the habit of pulling.

Although medications clearly help some people temporarily, symptoms are likely to return when the medication is stopped unless behavioral therapy is incorporated into treatment. Medications may help to reduce the depression and any obsessive-compulsive symptoms the person may be experiencing.
Commonly used medications are:

Hand Tied Wigs & Monofilament Tops
We've designed this collection specifically for those who have experienced hair loss, have a sensitive scalp, or who simply desire the most natural-looking and most comfortable wigs available today.
This advanced technique gives the appearance of hair growing right out of the scalp. Individual strands of synthetic hair are hand-tied to an ultra-fine mesh monofilament fabric. It also gives the freedom to style your new wig in any direction- just like natural hair. Part your wig on the left, right or center.
Human Hair Wig Collection - Synthetic Wig Collection

Consider fiber type: Synthetic vs. Human Hair
Many women think that human hair wigs will be more natural looking. They fear that "synthetic" wigs will in fact look synthetic. This is not true! Each type of wig has it's own unique benefits. Certain styles work best in synthetic hair and certain styles work best in human hair.
Naturally Looking Your Best
Whether you choose human hair or synthetic hair, the most important thing to look for are wigs that are 100% hand tied with monofilament tops. These are made to replicate natural hair growth, light weight, prosthetic quality and most importantly, look and feel quite natural. Machine made wigs (fashion wigs) are not recommended, are wefted, heavy and will look wiggy. Many wigs are made with a mono top but the cap is machine made and wefted. These are not recommended. It is always suggested that you work with a licensed Salon & stylist for best results.

Synthetic Wigs are the most popular because they require the least amount of care. Today's synthetic wigs offer more styling choices, colors and unique comfort features. Shorter synthetic wigs are considered "shake-n-go," meaning that all you do is shake them out, finger style, and they look great. Longer styles simply need to be brushed through or finger styled. Synthetic wigs are easy to pack and take with you, and the fiber is resistant to humidity, so your style holds in any weather. One thing that's important to remember is that you never use heat on a synthetic wig! Any heat source, such as a blow dryer - even an open oven - can damage the fiber and ruin the wig. Human hair needs to be cut but synthetic hair should not. Synthetic hair can be fine tuned in areas such as the fringe or bangs using texturizing sheers. Cutting synthetic hair will give it a choppy look. With synthetic hair you are simply picking out the haircut.

Human Hair Wigs are extremely versatile. You can curl and style them as you would you own hair. Because they do not come pre styled, they require more effort than synthetic wigs. They must be styled as one would style their own hair. Human hair wigs are ideal if you enjoy and are skilled at styling your own hair.

Hair Integration is a unique product that can add volume, length and color dimensions to any hair style. Integration caps are constructed from a special cable. This cable is very thin, flexible, chemically resistant and virtually unbreakable. Hair is hand knotted to that cable. The cap construction, similar to a net, allows you to pull your hair through it, creating a very natural appearance. Construction also includes crocheted loops for semi-permanent attachments located at the front, sides and crown areas.
The Intra Weave Hair System
Studio International's "Intra-weave Hair System" is hand-crafted with the highest quality in human hair combined with the finest in workmanship. The base is constructed from a special cable that is very thin, chemically resistant and virtually unbreakable. The base design is similar to that of a net, approx 6" x 6" in size. Hair is attached to this base strand by strand replicating one's natural hair growth. Your hair is then pulled through the net integrating with the systems hair. The system is secured to your hair using a comb lock attachment . The locks are attached to the base and take just seconds to secure. The "Intra-Weave System" can also be sewn in as a permanent attachment system by your stylist, in a fraction of the time that it takes to do the typical sewn in hair weave. This is sent to you in your desired length, un- cut.
Have your stylist trim and shape this to perfection!

The Studio Hair Enhancer is the exclusive trade mark of Studio Hair

Our Salon Collection was designed to provide beautiful hair solutions for today's women suffering from hair loss. This collection is carefully handcrafted to ensure a natural look and feel. Each individual design offers beauty, comfort, rich colors, and distinctive highlights. Attention to detail is characteristic throughout the collection. All Custom Wigs & Hairpieces in this collection are 100% hand tied human hair, perfect for the women, men & children who are thinning.
Custom Hair Piece Solutions For Women


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