The quail that are sold on this website to our retail customers is the same quail products sold to our large whole sale customers. What makes Carters Quail a better quality is the ordering and processing procedures. First our quail stock was originally developed on our ranch many years ago. Now we, have an exclusive grower that has quail with a stock linage directly from our farm. Ultimately, this gives us control over the types of birds used and subsequently the quality of the quail. Secondly, we own and operate our own poultry processing plant that is dedicated to the processing of game birds. Finally, we have a two day processing period for poultry harvested and processed for retail orders generated from our website. The quail are then processed and placed in a chill tank and vacuumed packed for next day delivery to you.
Our desire is to deliver to you the freshest quail product money can buy; moreover, we guarantee that our product will meet and in many cases exceeds the quality standards set by the State of California Food and Agriculture.
Our website has been design to be interactive with an receipt exchange page and video instructions on how to prepare various quail dishes.