Medical-Dental Pharmacy... your problem solving specialists!
We are a family owned pharmacy specializing in compounding of prescriptions specifically designed by your physician for your needs. Our objective is to prepare compounded products that exceed the national requirements for purity and quality that will assure you and your doctor of achieving the maximum desired results.
We have serviced the San Joaquin Valley for over 41 years, and during that time have filled in excess of 4 million prescriptions. Our friendly, courteous staff have the training, education, and experience to work with your physician in designing the best innovative preparation to fulfill your needs.
Dermatological Lotions, Cremes, Ointments, and Gels
We invite you to look at some of the dosage forms that we prepare, and some of the topics under the buttons on this home page.
The Challenge of Balancing Hormones:Presented by Diana L. Smith PharmD
Get your questions about Bio-Identical Hormone Replacment answered in this informational DVD. Learn basic information about the differences between naturalvs. synthetic hormones and how you can improve your health and vitality by balancing your hormones. - LEARN MORE