Welcome to Southwest Community Nursery School of Bakersfield
We hope you and your child will have an enjoyable and profitable experience with our group.
Purpose and Philosophy of the Nursery School
We believe that the children and their parents must be accepted as they are....that each parent and child will make a special contribution and that each parent and child will learn from his or her nursery school experience according to his or her own needs and interests. Membership in a co-operative nursery is a family experience. The education of parents and of children is considered to be equally important. Our purpose shall be to provide a program of parent education through the many aspects of adult participation that furthers understanding of child growth and development, family life, human relations and the assumption of responsible leadership in the community. We believe both in freedom of expression and the necessity of democratic control of children and parents....for the health and safety of the children, and in order that the school may function well. Thereby, parents and children my achieve the maximum amount of pleasure and learning from their experience.
The Southwest Community Nursery School offers many opportunities for the pre-schooler for experimentation, problem solving, and the use of imagination. Our aim is to contribute to the growth of ideas and stimulate a curiosity as a basis for learning at later age levels.