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Construction Accident Lawyer
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Construction Accident Lawyer Let our experienced personal injury lawyers help you recover maximum monetary compensation for damages and injuries resulting from on-the-job accidents.

In California, it seems that new construction is taking place on every street in every city. Whether it is an elaborate office building in busy downtown or an expansive housing tract in the suburbs, buildings are rising in only a matter of weeks, from prep to finish.

Construction workers are constantly fighting the clock to get the job done quickly and efficiently, often pressured by property owners and contractors. With the mounting pressure to build taller and more elaborate buildings in shorter amounts of time, construction workers are being put at an even higher risk of injury by negligence site foremen or inadequately maintained equipment.

Most San Fernando Valley construction site accidents occur as the result of the risky conditions workers face.

Some construction site hazards that result in death or serious injury are:

  • Scaffolding accidents
  • Falling from a high location
  • Motor vehicle crashes
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Forklift injuries
  • Electrocution
  • Machinery accidents
  • Getting hit by falling items

Contractors, architects, manufacturers and property owners may be held liable for injuries or wrongful deaths that take place at the construction site. If you or someone you know has been the victim of a construction accident in Northridge as a result of someone's negligence, you may be able to file a claim against the careless person responsible for your safety.

The Mandell Law Firm is an aggressive personal injury and wrongful death firm serving clients throughout the San Fernando Valley. Our experienced and reputable Northridge construction site accident lawyers provide hands-on care and sincere commitment for victims of accidents and wrongful death, including construction site accidents, crane accidents, and all work related injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in a construction accident, contact Robert J. Mandell today for a free case evaluation.

The Mandell Law Firm is dedicated to representing victims of construction accidents and work site injuries in Southern California. 

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured as the result of a construction accident, contact Robert J. Mandell at The Mandell Law Firm for a free case evaluation.

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The Mandell Law Firm is a group of personal injury lawyers and wrongful death litigators experienced and knowledgeable in all areas of personal injury law.