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IDX Website and Leads
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If you a real estate agent and is not been able to generate business for yourself. Contact us today and let us help you get 4-6 extra deals this year.

In Last 5 years probable there have been 20 different companies offering IDX integration. Because of which there are more than hundred thousands of real estate website. But the question is, are these websites like an empty showroom or are they generating any kind of revenue for their real estate agents.

Very few companies can say that yes we build a website for you and then help you generate business as well. Building a beautiful website is an art where as generating leads is marketing strategy. These are 2 different sets of skills one needs to be perfect on.

We at DNJ Marketing not only build a beautiful website but also help our customers generate business and then help them in lead management. Real estate industry is a industry where lot of patience is required. No customer buys a house right away like buying a shoe in macys.They do research and then make offers. So with our state of the art CRM system helps customers to follow up with customers in a acceptable manner without bothering the customer. When customer in ready to buy real estate agent gets to know about it and they contact the customer.

If you a real estate agent and is not been able to generate business for yourself. Contact us today and let us help you get 4-6 extra deals this year.

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Business details
DNJ Marketing offers IDX Website for Brocker, Real Estate Website Design, SEO who want to convert more leads into clients.